La page de Jersey Gaul
La page de Jersey Gaul
But: 1000$
But: 1000$
150,00 $ amassés par 2 donateurss
150,00 $ amassés par 2 donateurss

Our beautiful Starlight child, Jersey and our family, has been immensely blessed by the support and experiences provided by Starlight Canada.


Through our journey with Starlight, we've come to understand the power of this incredible community. Today, we're inspired to pay it forward. We want to ensure that more families can experience the same joy and hope that we've found within the Starlight Foundation. Join us as we embark on this fundraising journey - together, we can make a difference and continue to brighten lives, one star at a time.

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Contributeurs récents

2 dons ont été faits à ce participant.
50,00 $
Muriel & Rob nelson
100,00 $
Cassandra Stinchcombe

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